Poop Doesn't Lie: How Wastewater Testing Became a Global Public Health Tool

The rise of wastewater-based epidemiology, from the University of Arizona’s efforts to bring students safely back to campus to a widely adopted public health tool to stem the
outbreaks of the future, is the focus of Landmark Stories' new documentary film. #YCEDA collaborative efforts in bringing this tool to Yuma County are featured starting at 4:25.

2022 Southwest Ag Summit Presentation: Water & Salt Balance

Quantitative Assessments of Water & Salt Balance for Cropping Systems in Lower Colorado River Irrigation Districts, an ongoing collaborative research project coordinated by the University of Arizona’s Yuma Center of Excellence for Desert Agriculture (YCEDA), is measuring the precise amount of water today’s crops use and studying the impacts of irrigation, crop rotation and fallowing on soil salinity. Members of the project team presented a research update at the 2022 #SWAG. Paul Brierley, YCEDA Executive Director, begins the presentation with an overview of the project. Dr.

2021 Fall Update

The Yuma Center of Excellence for Desert Agriculture (YCEDA) has been working hard for 7 years to find solutions to the pressing problems of desert agriculture with help and direction from our stakeholders. In this video Paul Brierley, YCEDA Executive Director, gives an update on recent happenings and exciting project news!