Addressing Industry Challenges

Learn about collaborating with private industry from two researchers who have built strong research programs with the agriculture industry and a researcher who started working with the Yuma agriculture industry later in his career. (Session 2 of 9) Discussion with:

Dr. Channah Rock, Water Quality Specialist; Endowed Professor in Extension Fresh Produce Safety, CALS Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona

Dr. Charles Sanchez, Professor; Research Scientist, CALS Cooperative Extension, University of Arizona

Table to Farm: a Safer and Healthier Melon Supply Chain in the U.S. Project Overview

Dr. Sadhana Ravishankar gives an overview of a project that YCEDA collaborated on with researchers at the University of Arizona School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences (UA-ACBS) and Texas A&M University to address critically important melon issues. Goals included developing melon varieties that appeal to consumers while minimizing food safety risks.