Downey Mildew in Iceberg Lettuce

Another disease we’re tackling and researching is Downey Mildew in iceberg lettuce. Dr. Michael Matheron is a plant pathologist with the University of Arizona and has been studying diseases for over 30 years! We partnered with him to further our knowledge and research of Downey Mildew. This material is based on work supported by the Arizona Iceberg Lettuce Research Council.

Powdery Mildew in Iceberg Lettuce

It’s easy to confuse Downey and Powdery Mildew, so in this video, we go over Powdery Mildew in detail and recommendations to avoid and treat this specific pathogen in iceberg lettuce. Dr. Michael Matheron, a plant pathologist with the University of Arizona, gives his expertise on the subject. This material is based on work supported by the Arizona Iceberg Lettuce Research Council.

Gray Mold in Iceberg Lettuce

Diseases in the field can seriously impact the quality and yield of the produce being grown. Our goal is to help the industry be well informed and better mitigate and manage these plant diseases. Dr. Barry Pryor, a professor of plant pathology and microbiology, talks about how to prevent and treat gray mold in iceberg lettuce. This material is based on work supported by the Arizona Iceberg Lettuce Research Council.

YCEDA’s 2017 Research Symposium Introduction

The Yuma Center of Excellence for Desert Agriculture (YCEDA) is an innovative public-private partnership that addresses high-priority issues identified by industry stakeholders to improve all aspects of desert crop production systems. Our annual 2017 Research Symposium, held November 16 in Yuma, AZ, presented research results ready to be put to work and recommendations for further research to the production agriculture industry. See what we have been doing lately!

Expanded Sampling & Mitigation Strategy Evaluation for Heavy Metals in Desert Spinach

YCEDA and The Center for Produce Safety jointly funded a rapid response heavy metals research project conducted by Dr. Charles Sanchez. This project included high resolution soil sampling to assess in-field variability and development of sampling protocols that growers can use to predict the potential levels of heavy metals in harvested spinach. Dr. Sanchez presented his findings in this session of our 2017 Research Symposium.