2019 Fusarium Wilt Field Talks

We held a Fusarium Wilt of Lettuce Field Day event where we invited experts on the subject to talk about their research and recommendations.

Field talks include: "Fusarium Wilt of Lettuce" by Steve Koike, Director, TriCal Diagnostics 

"Breeding Lettuce for Disease Resistance" by Dr. Isabelle Delannay, Lettuce Breeder, Bayer Crop Science

"USDA Fusarium Wilt Resistant Lines Approved for Release" by Dr. Jim McCreight, Research Leader, USDA-ARS

2019 Pre-Season Wheat Meeting

Time Stamps for the Pre-season Wheat Meeting Video:

6:06 -- "Measuring ET of Wheat at Multiple Scales" by Dr. Andrew French

24:19 -- "Food Industry Water Footprint Calculations: What do they mean for wheat producers?" by Dr. George Frisvold

45:33 -- "Nitrogen Management Tools for Wheat" by Dr. Michael Ottman

1:03:46 -- "Sensor-based Management for Wheat Production" by Dr. Pedro Andrade-Sanchez

1:29:01 -- Wheat Varieties Panel Discussion

1:51:39 -- Wheat Marketing Outlook Panel Discussion