Advancing Fusarium Wilt Management in Lettuce
Nearly $70,000 in funding from the Arizona Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant Program allowed us to continue field trials of crop protection products as well as research early and remote disease detection. UA researchers Dr. Barry Pryor and Dr. Mike Matheron established trials within commercial fields to evaluate current lettuce varieties, experimental lines, fungicides, and biofungicides for potential efficacy in managing Fusarium wilt of lettuce. Additional research is underway to find ways to measure likely disease pressure from simple soil tests, and early and remote detection to enable producers to better manage this devastating disease. Data from experiments initiated in the greenhouse to evaluate the response of pathogens using multi-spectral analysis and early DNA-based methods are being analyzed and will be reported soon.
After the field trials were completed, a Center of Excellence Seminar Series presentation, "New Developments in Advancing Management of Fusarium Wilt of Lettuce", was held to disseminate the research results on varietal resistance and product efficacy and assist with fall planting decisions. To watch the recording of the presentation, click on the video below.
Plant Disease Management
AZ Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant Program