October 2, 2018

Within the fresh produce industry, farmers need to plant every day to harvest every day or it leads to issues down the road, according to Paul Brierley, executive director for the Yuma Center of Excellence for Desert Agriculture.

May 15, 2018

The Centers for Disease Control said 28 cases tied to E.coli have been confirmed since May 2nd, bringing the total of infected to 149 people. The latest infections have caused even more frustration for farmers as investigators have yet to find the source of the contamination.

May 15, 2018

Arizona agriculture hubs like Yuma have been preparing for the changes to come.

April 29, 2018

UA researcher Sadhana Ravishankar has been working for more than a decade to improve food safety using all-natural, plant-based sanitizers to prevent outbreaks of foodborne illnesses like the recent one involving romaine lettuce grown in Yuma.

Photo by: Maya Springhawk Robnet
April 20, 2018

“Our average on-farm efficiency, as has been documented, is at between 75 and 80 percent efficiency," said Bobbi Stevenson-McDermott, a retired conservationist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, to Arizona Public Media earlier this month.

April 11, 2018

In Yuma, Arizona, the Colorado River is not what it was. For thousands of years, its raging water deposited rich soil in the delta, creating one of the most verdant agricultural areas in the world.

Dr. Sanchez overlooks an irrigated field in Yuma, AZ
February 25, 2018

Some people have driven by the many fields growing fresh vegetables in the Yuma Valley and wondered why there’s farming in the desert.  Or they see irrigation sprinklers watering empty fields for 24 hours a day and think it's a waste of water.  But an ongoing irrigation and salinity project has r

lettuce field
February 25, 2018

A pesar de que se ven frondosas y con varios matices de verde, las lechugas que se plantan en el Condado de Yuma son atacadas por un hongo de la tierra que provoca pérdidas millonarias a la industria.  Se trata de la “fusarium wilt” o fusariosis, un hongo de la tierra que se dispersa rápidamente

January 21, 2018

Does it seem that there are more flies than usual in Yuma County? If you think so, you’re not alone. Many residents have complained in recent years that the number of flies have increased significantly, leading local researchers to look into the problem.